Jamie Glazov
holds a Ph.D. in history with specialties in U.S., Russian, and Canadian foreign policy. He is the editor of Frontpagemag.com and the author of the critically acclaimed and best selling, United in Hate: The Left's Romance With Tyranny and Terror. He is also the author of Canadian Policy Toward Khrushchev’s Soviet Union and the co-editor (with David Horowitz) of The Hate America Left. He edited and wrote the introduction to David Horowitz’s Left Illusions. Glazov's most recent book, Showdown With Evil - Our Struggle Against Tyranny and Terror, was published by Mantua Books and offered a powerful and honest assessment of the implications of the threat we face in our terror war - as well as a warning that should not go unheeded. A powerful crash course in how to protect American liberty from its totalitarian enemies, Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney, USAF (Ret.), called Showdown With Evil, “The most important book in America.”
Glazov has written another important book, High Noon for America: The Coming Showdown, which was released on September 10th, 2012. This book was most timely, with the American election coming up shortly afterward on November 6th, 2012, and it is remains relevant today. The book provides lively and thought provoking discussions on a variety of contemporary topics and sheds light on fundamental issues that critically affect the future of America and the world. See praise for the book here. The book is available here on our website, as well as through Chapters.ca, Amazon.com, Frontpagemag.com, and through your local bookstore. Be sure to order your copy today!
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