David Solway is a distinguished Canadian poet, essayist and literary critic. His most recent book of poetry is The Properties of Things. A previous volume, Reaching for Clear, won the A.M. Klein Prize
for Poetry awarded by the Quebec Writers’ Federation. An earlier volume, Franklin’s Passage was awarded Le Grand Prix du Livre de Montréal. He has won the QSPELL Prize twice, for poetry [Modern Marriage] and for prose [Education Lost]. Solway’s work has appeared in such magazines as The Atlantic Monthly, Canadian Literature, Descant, International Journal of Applied Semiotics, liberté, Journal of Modern Greek Studies, Parnassus, PN Review, Policy Options, Pretext (U.K.), Saranac Review, Saturday Night, Partisan Review, and The Sewanee Review. He has published several books on education theory and literary criticism with the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education and McGill-Queen's University Press. His latest volume of literary criticism is Director’s Cut. A political study, The Big Lie: On Terror, Antisemitism, and Identity, was a Canadian bestseller. From 2001 to 2008, he served as Associate Editor with Books in Canada and is currently a contributing editor with Arts & Opinion and The Métropolitain. Appointed poet-in-residence at Concordia University for 1999-2000, he is a frequent contributor to FrontPageMagazine and Pajamas Media in the United States.
Solway's Hear, O Israel! is available here.
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